Sunday, November 9, 2008

Golfing and Teaching...

What an adventure...golfing here was quite amusing and entertaining. I went with two other Muzungus JJ and Danny. We met up at the golf club thinking that they had club rentals because someone had said they did. Naturally, the woman working the desk had no idea what I was talking about. However, there was a Pastor there who said he had left some clubs in the back, but he wasn't a golfer himself and said we could use them. The woman brought out an amazing collection of clubs. She had about 8 different woods. When I say woods, I mean the old fashioned drivers that are actually made out of wood with big screws on the club face. Additionally, they had one putter, but the putter head was bent straight up and had clearly been welded back together. We ended up finding another club that resembled a putter, but wasn't actually one. We were then able to find 3 irons, a 3 iron, a 6 iron, and an 8 iron. Mind you these clubs are for three of us to share. We then were able to purchase one sleeve of balls (3 balls) because that was all they had. This meant we each had one ball for the entire round.

Because we didn't know the course and it wasn't clearly marked, we were given a caddie. A 10 year old kid who carried our clubs in his hands and pointed us in the right direction. As soon as we got on the course, 7 other young kids all emerged and helped to caddie for the rest of the round. Not only were they caddying, but they were also our ball finders as we could not afford to lose a ball. As soon as we stepped up to tee off (and I used that term loosely as there were no tees on which to place the ball), it started pouring rain, but we decided to continue because the storms come and go pretty quickly for the most part.

As we struggled to figure out where we were supposed to hit the ball as there are no flags in the holes and the greens look very similar to the fairway, we realized that there really weren't enough fairways for 9 holes. That's when we figured out that each fairway served as the fairway for anywhere from 1-4 holes. This meant we had to be very cautious of people hitting balls at us. We also had to hit the balls across roads with people walking on them. It was very much like one of those carnival games with the ducks going along in a line in front of you and you have to knock them down. Despite our efforts to hit people, we missed...kidding of course.

We had a great time and the kids were constantly laughing at us and our poor performance on the course. Surprisingly, we made it until the 8th hole (of 9) before I lost my ball. And I only lost it because it went into a yard with a locked fence. It was really a cool experience and we will definitely go out and play again. Especially because the whole round cost about 5 bucks each.

I had also mentioned that I would be teaching class at the school about using a Microscope. It was a great success as I explained everything about the microscope to levels P4 and P5. Some of the kids had remembered some things about the microscope as a volunteer had used it with some of them last year. The kids definitely enjoyed using it to look at a blood smear and plant cells. I explained to them some of the basic differences and had a blast. I then had to administer a quiz to them, which they all did very well on. It was clear some kids were more interested in others as they spent a lot longer looking into the microscope and asking me questions about it. Both classes I taught though were very engaged and were very excited about having me teach.

My supervisor, Dr. Bangsberg, was in town this week for two days. It is crazy what he does. Leaves Boston Monday morning, arrives in Mbarara Wednesday around lunch. He then works and has meetings straight through until Friday lunchtime, then starts the trip back to Boston. He spends 4 days traveling, and 2 other days working on site. We did have dinner together and several meetings and talking to him was great. He explained to me all about the projects and those that I will be working on and what his goals are. It means I will be busy doing work for the next couple of weeks, but I am excited about it. He is truly trying to do some things that have never been done, but could end up being extremely valuable and important. He also said he would put me down as an author on my major projects which is pretty exciting.

I did finally take some pictures of the school, however, the internet connection in my office is not allowing me to post the pictures. Later this week I am going to try one of the other offices with better internet, but unfortunately the pictures may have to wait. Hope all is well with everyone. Time is flying by as I am trying to plan some cool trips, including Gorilla Tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.


Stephen said...

You sound great and thanks for sharing that great golf story. On the photo front, you may be able to save the photos as JPEG files that take up less room (i.e., smaller files) and post more easily. Good luck and stay in touch! Love ya, Dad

Unknown said...

Hi Josh,
Loved reading about your experience playing golf. A bit different than playing with Grandpa in Newton. Truly memorable and such fun for us to hear about.The children are so lucky to have you and I know you are havng great time with them.Our travels to Zack and Becca were great and they are well and send their love. Leah is so grown up. She is almost as tall as I am and is great fun to be with. She was glowing when she skyped with you. I am learning how to use the skype this weekend and will try to get to see you again. We are home from our travels for another week and will keep in touch.Love, gmf and gpb

Talll Guinessss said...

josh - what's up buddy. just saying hi and thanks for the stories. keep them coming!


Unknown said...

Hey Josh, Just got a chance to catch up on your blog. Sounds like an amazing experience. The fact that there is so much curiosity about you being a white american lad is astounding. We tend to forget that there are still so many isolated places in the world (i.e. no access to reular internet and TV). I plan on checkingup on your adventures regularly and will forward this link to Lydia and Abby(she is becoming computer savvy). Hopefully you will hear from them as well. We are doing well way on south in the land of dixie. Haven't had a chance to catch up with your folks in a while, I plan on calling in the next week or two. Have fun, keep us updated on your adventures. Adam

Anonymous said...


Glad to know you are still kickin. When I played Golf in Ghanna, we had the same experience... I think we had more irons than you and a few more balls but we didn't really play on grass. It's crazy.

We just lost in the soccer finals to the white team. They truly hate us. I got knocked pretty hard when I didn't have the ball, Drew got destroyed going up for a ball and Gersh got thrown down in the middle of the field. We could have used you. We did get "runner up" pint glasses. I saved you one. Ross also got one because he came to the game...

Darren and I are going to Florida next week to see the Gators play and... we are also going to Disney World, my brother is hooking us up. I'll take a picture of Darren and Goofy standing next to each other and send it to you.

I hope all is well. Be safe.

Much love,

Michael "The Great"

Unknown said...

Hey Josh,
You mean "wood" clubs are no longer made of real wood? What's up with that? That course sounds a bit like the one near my house growing up. Keep at it, you may get a hole-in-one before you leave.

These memories are priceless. So glad you're writing it all down. love, sally